Tuesday, July 20, 2010


"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord." Ephesians 5:22

I was reading through this Ephesians passage yesterday during my devotion time. I have always wanted to be a wife that was submissive and respectful and I strive to do just that.

As I was praying, I started asking God if I was playing the role I should be. In my mind, I felt that I was being respectful to Rob lately and that I could probably just move on. But, nope. God had a little lesson for me before I could dismiss this topic.

He showed me an area that I wasn't being respectful in. Rob will often say things like, "I think it would be better for you to take an easy day tomorrow," or "Why don't you invite your friend over here so that you can get more rest," or "You need some rest so I'll go to the store for you". Rob's always very caring like that.

The Lord showed me that I tend to blow those suggestions off by finding some excuse of why they can't work. Never until yesterday did I realize how disrespectful and unsubmissive that was. I had to really do a double take with my heart.

SO, when Rob asked my last night to make today a restful day, I had a few thoughts run through my mind. Firstly, but what about my big list for this week? Secondly, it's true I'm tired. And thirdly, God wastes no time on putting a heart change to work!

So, I mentally set aside the list. (Goodbye, List.) And I told Rob, "Okay, I'll take it easy." It was really rewarding. I felt God's peace and actually a lot of relief. There are actually a lot of things I can accomplish today while taking a restful day. Things that I wasn't getting to because I was so busy with my agenda. Things like prayer, journaling, reading my Bible, reading some baby books, and letting my mind slow down so that I can mentally prepare for this coming baby.

Anyway, I'm starting to see respect in a new light. I pray the Lord will help me stay faithful with this.

1 comment:

  1. wow!!! This is incredibly convicting. I do the very same thing - so often!!! Its so easy to say that we "need" to submit but entirely different when we have to put it into practice.

    I am enjoying following your blog! I gave you a shout-out and the Sugar Doll award on my blog. Enjoy sis....kick back and rest - you'll realize just how important it is to "save up" after baby comes. :)
