Thursday, July 22, 2010

Got Uncles?

There once were three brothers. These boys were kind enough to allow a sister to dwell among them. Yep, that's the type of boys they were.

Now these three brothers were leading very special lives, each unique but all intertwined. Yet, what they didn't know was that their lives were missing a key element. Unclehood.

Before they could realize the holes in their souls, their sister up and got married and decided to have a child. She didn't want to see her brothers continuing to partake of such shallow living.

Now each of these uncles will have his own signature way with the child. Each is gifted in different uncle departments.

The Eldest Uncle (EU) has a soft way about him. He's equipped perfectly for snuggling and book reading and lots of laughing. His words of wisdom shall uplift this child and be a testimony of our God's glory.

The Middle Uncle (MU) will provide all sorts of romping sessions. Explorations, piggyback rides, and bug collections are in store when hanging with MU. He will balance the activity with his insight into the tenderness of God.

The Youngest Uncle (YU) will be the entertainer. His stories, expressions, and ideas will awe and bring joy. YU will introduce the child to the wonder of God's mind in the world of science.

This child will not only bring out these gifts in the Uncles, but make many more appear that are yet to be unearthed. How blessed this Little One shall be.


  1. So, so true! They will be amazing uncles to your little child. He/she will be blessed and I can't wait!


  2. What about the baby's 2 Aunts and other uncle?!!

  3. This was just a little something special I was thinking about involving my brothers! This little one will be just as blessed with his/her two aunts and one uncle on the other side!
