Sunday, April 12, 2009


It's Easter morning! I have to admit, I woke up feeling a little disgruntled that it's not as sunny as I hoped it would be. Yet, Easter celebrates life and good things come when it rains! So, after all, not too shabby! (As Rob would say).

Our plans involve going to Calvary Chapel this morning. Everytime I go there I marvel that it's the same church we got married in. Somehow it seems so different when it's full of people I don't know! I'm hoping that eventually we can get involved in a study group or something. I miss fellowship in a church. Neither of us have had that in a while.

This afternoon we have tentative plans to do a little hunting. Egg hunting that is! Colleen, Amy, Rob, and I might just have a little competition of our own since I think we would be rejected from all regular Easter egg hunts. I don't know what is wrong with people...setting the age limit at 5th grade. Tsk, tsk. Anyway, it will be time to break out the speed, agility, and good old sneakiness--the latter at least for the person hiding the eggs! It should be fun! I hope the rain holds off. It's not quite the same to hide the eggs in the house!

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