Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This is the Day!

Yep, 'tis the day we get our puppy! Rob will go pick him up this evening at 5:00. I teach until 5:30 so I won't be going. But it will be a nice present! I've still got a lot of organizing that needs to be done before he gets here. I think we finally decided on having him in the guest bathroom during the day when I'm busy. We were trying to find the ideal room--the kitchen was hard to block off, the utility room had drafts, and every other room has carpet! So, if you visit, we'll have to figure the bathroom situation out on the fly. :) But of course, this will only be until the pup's house trained, probably. Well, I'll give more updates and pictures probably tomorrow!


  1. This is going to be fun!! Can't wait to see and hold HIM!


  2. Can I see the new pictures?!
