Thursday, August 5, 2010

Oh Where Oh Where is the Baby?

Week 38 + 1 day. That's where I stand baby-wise. In the last few weeks, the closer my due date comes, the less I feel like the baby is EVER going to come! :D But I am thankful that some of the intensity of discomfort and pain I was having has backed off.

Usually now, a couple times a day I'll have something happen that will make me think, "Now, is this the real thing?" But, nope. Not yet. So, I continue to wait with attempted patience.

We shall see Shannon this evening. It will be good to get a report on where things stand. I know no matter what, this baby has to come out sometime. And I suppose I still have 2-ish weeks until my due date.

So, I'll continue to clean house. I don't think there is much left to do now that I've washed all the doors and spot cleaned all the walls in the house. :)

1 comment:

  1. Lottie, you are amazing! It was so good to see you on Tuesday. I hope your time with Shannon went well this evening. Love, Ethan
