Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What's New

Well, here we are on the 17th. It's a wonderful day since it's my mom's birthday! We got to celebrate a few days back. It was great to spend time with my whole family.

I woke up feeling a little worried this morning. Sometime in the night, the baby shifted to my right side. I think the head is still down. But, if I remember correctly, if the baby starts out on the right side during labor, it tends to make its way clockwise all the way around. This leads to back labor which I hear is very intense.

I am waiting to hear from my midwife to get her take on it. I'm trying not to stress. I think I just feel stressed mostly due to lack of adequate sleep.

I had some contractions last night. But they stopped after an hour or so. I went out in the recliner. I'm wondering if that's what caused to baby to shift.

Well, I'll know more as soon as I get to talk with Shannon.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

3 Days To Go

Well, folks. It's August 15th. That sounds like a nice birthday to me. I'm sure you all are getting just as tired of my countdown as I am! One thing is for sure though. This baby will come. That's inevitable. Hooray!

I'm back to feeling rather queasy today. Probably a good sign! I haven't had very many Braxton Hicks contractions in the last few days, which is rather odd. But I know it's just a matter of time.

Let's see--what else? Oh, I had cowboy dreams all night! We've been watching Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, and Tex Ritter shows off and on in the last couple of weeks. I don't remember my dreams, but as I tossed and turned throughout the night, I know cowboys were occupying my mind a lot. Weird.

My nesting instincts have come and gone. Been there, done that. I may have to force myself to clean the bathrooms here, though. Thankfully, I've been able to keep the rest of the house looking decent even though I've been tired.

Rob's out on another jaunt with Phoenix. That keeps them both feeling good. I can't believe Rob can go out in the heat of the day like this over and over. Yuck, it's in the high 90s, I believe.

Well, there are a few random facts for the day. I'm simply trying to stay sane. Yup, I guess I'll go back to reading.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wrapped Up in God

"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17

Yet another promise that the Lord has shown me for this season in my life. As I've waited for the baby to come, I've had so many little messages from God that have strengthened me through this process. He is so wonderfully good to me. What a Father.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Prayers for a Child

I was reading my Bible tonight/this morning (it's 3:38 am). I started reading some verses that fit exactly my thoughts for this child that will soon be born to us. Here they are:

"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." Colossians 1:9-14

I will pray this over our child. It is similar to the prayers I have already prayed. How wonder to find it tucked away in Colossians just waiting to be discovered for this child. I love you, Lord.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Okay, So I Won't Mind My Own Business!

I WAS minding my own business. Honest. I was browsing around in the library, actually getting ready to head on out. I had gone to the library to find something relaxing to read on a not-feeling-too-good kind of day.

As I headed toward the check-out counter, I noticed an older man seated at one of the computers. What caught my eye was his back; it was completely covered in a brace. Instantly, my heart rate sped up. On a side note, I've always found it interesting that we say we invite Jesus to live in our "hearts". Well, apparently that's one place He definitely does live because when He speaks, my heart goes crazy.

I continued walking for 10 or 15 feet, then jumped into a side row of books. A lengthy debate followed. Me vs. God. I knew that He wanted me to pray for the man. I knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt. But I was literally quaking inside. I scraped up several arguments: It's a man--I don't know if I should pray for a man by myself; there are other people around and I don't want to disturb them; couldn't I just pray for him without telling him?

I moved over to another aisle from which vantage point I could actually see him. As I wrestled some more, the people who were sitting at the desk across from him left. Oh, boy. One of my arguments was ruined.

Finally, I just forced myself forward before I had any more time to think.

"Excuse me, sir? I noticed that you seem to be having back trouble. Could I pray for you?"

He laughed bitterly. "Sure, you can join a whole list of people doing just that."

Not knowing what to do next, I asked, "Is there any way in particular that I could pray?"

Again he sniggered. "That a future employer would be able to look beyond the brace."

I inquired if he would let me pray for him then and there. He said something about we were told not to pray in public as it was seen as being prideful. But that he was sure that my prayers would be heard elsewhere. I told him that I very much believed that our prayers were always heard or something to that effect. By that time he was intently staring at his computer with a hint of a smirk left on his face.

Oh, Lord, You know the physcial and emotional pain this man has gone through and is experiencing even now. I pray that my concern was not interpreted as yet another person just feeling sorry for him. I do pray for his request--that Your grace would be evident to him as You provide for his needs of a job. But even more, I pray for his heart to be softened. His view of You must change. I pray for emotional healing from Your hands. And I pray for physical healing in his back. May he sense Your care for him, that You have not abandoned him. In Jesus' name, amen.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Newest Baby Update

We saw Shannon last night. So here's the latest:

1. I'm 2.5 cm dilated

2. The baby is at 0 station (meaning he/she moved down another centimeter and I don't think can move down any farther without me being in labor)

3. I'm 75% effaced or thinned out (not sure how to explain this one!)

So, I guess that all means that things are just moving along! No dramatic changes but all good ones.

I dreamed my water broke last night! That was kind of funny. We were trying to get a hold of Shannon and only would get her voice mail. It asked if I wanted to page her, but I didn't know what that meant. (I had to ask Rob this morning!) Anyway, there was more to the dream but I don't want to gross you out. :) I imagine the real thing won't be quite as hectic.

Shannon said the baby has a big bottom, which typically indicates a girl. I've noticed how wide that bum seems to be, too. Lol, so we shall see!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Where are Our Minds?

Philippians 4:8, 9b
Whatever is True
(reliable; certain; in accordance with fact; that agrees with reality)
Whatever is Noble
(having or showing high moral qualities or ideals, or greatness of character)
Whatever is Right
(in accordance with justice, law, morality, etc.; upright)
Whatever is Pure
(free from sin or guilt; blameless)
Whatever is Lovely
(beautiful; exquisite; morally or spiritually attractive; gracious)
Whatever is Admirable
(inspiring or deserving admiration or praise; excellent)
If anything is Excellent or Praiseworthy
(of exceptional merit, virtue, etc.) (laudable; commendable)
Think about such things.
...And the God of peace will be with you.
(All definitions taken from New World Dictionary, second college edition)

Oh Where Oh Where is the Baby?

Week 38 + 1 day. That's where I stand baby-wise. In the last few weeks, the closer my due date comes, the less I feel like the baby is EVER going to come! :D But I am thankful that some of the intensity of discomfort and pain I was having has backed off.

Usually now, a couple times a day I'll have something happen that will make me think, "Now, is this the real thing?" But, nope. Not yet. So, I continue to wait with attempted patience.

We shall see Shannon this evening. It will be good to get a report on where things stand. I know no matter what, this baby has to come out sometime. And I suppose I still have 2-ish weeks until my due date.

So, I'll continue to clean house. I don't think there is much left to do now that I've washed all the doors and spot cleaned all the walls in the house. :)