Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's a Boy!


I know you have all been anxiously awaiting this announcement. My 15-week-old son is a boy! :D Yessirree!

I figured it's time I started blogging again. I don't have much to say today since Eli should be up soon....yup, there he is!

Hello, goodbye~

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What's New

Well, here we are on the 17th. It's a wonderful day since it's my mom's birthday! We got to celebrate a few days back. It was great to spend time with my whole family.

I woke up feeling a little worried this morning. Sometime in the night, the baby shifted to my right side. I think the head is still down. But, if I remember correctly, if the baby starts out on the right side during labor, it tends to make its way clockwise all the way around. This leads to back labor which I hear is very intense.

I am waiting to hear from my midwife to get her take on it. I'm trying not to stress. I think I just feel stressed mostly due to lack of adequate sleep.

I had some contractions last night. But they stopped after an hour or so. I went out in the recliner. I'm wondering if that's what caused to baby to shift.

Well, I'll know more as soon as I get to talk with Shannon.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

3 Days To Go

Well, folks. It's August 15th. That sounds like a nice birthday to me. I'm sure you all are getting just as tired of my countdown as I am! One thing is for sure though. This baby will come. That's inevitable. Hooray!

I'm back to feeling rather queasy today. Probably a good sign! I haven't had very many Braxton Hicks contractions in the last few days, which is rather odd. But I know it's just a matter of time.

Let's see--what else? Oh, I had cowboy dreams all night! We've been watching Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, and Tex Ritter shows off and on in the last couple of weeks. I don't remember my dreams, but as I tossed and turned throughout the night, I know cowboys were occupying my mind a lot. Weird.

My nesting instincts have come and gone. Been there, done that. I may have to force myself to clean the bathrooms here, though. Thankfully, I've been able to keep the rest of the house looking decent even though I've been tired.

Rob's out on another jaunt with Phoenix. That keeps them both feeling good. I can't believe Rob can go out in the heat of the day like this over and over. Yuck, it's in the high 90s, I believe.

Well, there are a few random facts for the day. I'm simply trying to stay sane. Yup, I guess I'll go back to reading.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wrapped Up in God

"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17

Yet another promise that the Lord has shown me for this season in my life. As I've waited for the baby to come, I've had so many little messages from God that have strengthened me through this process. He is so wonderfully good to me. What a Father.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Prayers for a Child

I was reading my Bible tonight/this morning (it's 3:38 am). I started reading some verses that fit exactly my thoughts for this child that will soon be born to us. Here they are:

"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." Colossians 1:9-14

I will pray this over our child. It is similar to the prayers I have already prayed. How wonder to find it tucked away in Colossians just waiting to be discovered for this child. I love you, Lord.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Okay, So I Won't Mind My Own Business!

I WAS minding my own business. Honest. I was browsing around in the library, actually getting ready to head on out. I had gone to the library to find something relaxing to read on a not-feeling-too-good kind of day.

As I headed toward the check-out counter, I noticed an older man seated at one of the computers. What caught my eye was his back; it was completely covered in a brace. Instantly, my heart rate sped up. On a side note, I've always found it interesting that we say we invite Jesus to live in our "hearts". Well, apparently that's one place He definitely does live because when He speaks, my heart goes crazy.

I continued walking for 10 or 15 feet, then jumped into a side row of books. A lengthy debate followed. Me vs. God. I knew that He wanted me to pray for the man. I knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt. But I was literally quaking inside. I scraped up several arguments: It's a man--I don't know if I should pray for a man by myself; there are other people around and I don't want to disturb them; couldn't I just pray for him without telling him?

I moved over to another aisle from which vantage point I could actually see him. As I wrestled some more, the people who were sitting at the desk across from him left. Oh, boy. One of my arguments was ruined.

Finally, I just forced myself forward before I had any more time to think.

"Excuse me, sir? I noticed that you seem to be having back trouble. Could I pray for you?"

He laughed bitterly. "Sure, you can join a whole list of people doing just that."

Not knowing what to do next, I asked, "Is there any way in particular that I could pray?"

Again he sniggered. "That a future employer would be able to look beyond the brace."

I inquired if he would let me pray for him then and there. He said something about we were told not to pray in public as it was seen as being prideful. But that he was sure that my prayers would be heard elsewhere. I told him that I very much believed that our prayers were always heard or something to that effect. By that time he was intently staring at his computer with a hint of a smirk left on his face.

Oh, Lord, You know the physcial and emotional pain this man has gone through and is experiencing even now. I pray that my concern was not interpreted as yet another person just feeling sorry for him. I do pray for his request--that Your grace would be evident to him as You provide for his needs of a job. But even more, I pray for his heart to be softened. His view of You must change. I pray for emotional healing from Your hands. And I pray for physical healing in his back. May he sense Your care for him, that You have not abandoned him. In Jesus' name, amen.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Newest Baby Update

We saw Shannon last night. So here's the latest:

1. I'm 2.5 cm dilated

2. The baby is at 0 station (meaning he/she moved down another centimeter and I don't think can move down any farther without me being in labor)

3. I'm 75% effaced or thinned out (not sure how to explain this one!)

So, I guess that all means that things are just moving along! No dramatic changes but all good ones.

I dreamed my water broke last night! That was kind of funny. We were trying to get a hold of Shannon and only would get her voice mail. It asked if I wanted to page her, but I didn't know what that meant. (I had to ask Rob this morning!) Anyway, there was more to the dream but I don't want to gross you out. :) I imagine the real thing won't be quite as hectic.

Shannon said the baby has a big bottom, which typically indicates a girl. I've noticed how wide that bum seems to be, too. Lol, so we shall see!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Where are Our Minds?

Philippians 4:8, 9b
Whatever is True
(reliable; certain; in accordance with fact; that agrees with reality)
Whatever is Noble
(having or showing high moral qualities or ideals, or greatness of character)
Whatever is Right
(in accordance with justice, law, morality, etc.; upright)
Whatever is Pure
(free from sin or guilt; blameless)
Whatever is Lovely
(beautiful; exquisite; morally or spiritually attractive; gracious)
Whatever is Admirable
(inspiring or deserving admiration or praise; excellent)
If anything is Excellent or Praiseworthy
(of exceptional merit, virtue, etc.) (laudable; commendable)
Think about such things.
...And the God of peace will be with you.
(All definitions taken from New World Dictionary, second college edition)

Oh Where Oh Where is the Baby?

Week 38 + 1 day. That's where I stand baby-wise. In the last few weeks, the closer my due date comes, the less I feel like the baby is EVER going to come! :D But I am thankful that some of the intensity of discomfort and pain I was having has backed off.

Usually now, a couple times a day I'll have something happen that will make me think, "Now, is this the real thing?" But, nope. Not yet. So, I continue to wait with attempted patience.

We shall see Shannon this evening. It will be good to get a report on where things stand. I know no matter what, this baby has to come out sometime. And I suppose I still have 2-ish weeks until my due date.

So, I'll continue to clean house. I don't think there is much left to do now that I've washed all the doors and spot cleaned all the walls in the house. :)

Friday, July 30, 2010

37 week checkup

We went to Shannon's for our 37 week checkup last night. Good news! Things are starting to move along.

I'm 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. The baby's head is at -1 station, which means very low. Shannon was able to easily touch the baby's head!

All of this just means that the process is starting. No one knows how long it will be before labor actually starts.

I've been cleaning house today and having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions than normal. Some of the herbal medicine that I started taking on Wednesday might be causing the extra contractions. So, we'll see if that leads to anything.

Oh, Shannon also is guessing that the baby is between 7.5 and 8 lbs. now. I'm constantly feeling the little bottom sticking up right over my belly button and the feet jabbing into my ribs on the right. :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Camera

For my birthday/graduation/baby-is-coming gift, Rob bought me a Nikon d90 camera! I am extremely excited to learn how to be a better photographer! We have been messing around with it every evening, trying to figure out how it works. Neither of us have ever used anything but a point and shoot type of camera so this is really new.

I really wanted a high quality camera so that we could document our little one's life. So now I just need to figure out how it works! But even on it's automatic settings, it takes amazing pictures.

I'm looking forward to livening up this blog a little!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Week of Landmarks

This week happens to contain a few milestones:

1. Yesterday, I turned 22! I felt it would be much more dignified to be 22 when my first child was born. So, I sneaked a birthday in! And I must say that it was a wonderful one! On Sunday, Rob and I went down to my parents' house and celebrated with my whole family. It was a lovely, relaxing afternoon. Then last night, we got together with Rob's mom and sister. Two really nice birthday parties in a row!

2. Tomorrow marks 37 weeks! The baby should be fully developed and may choose any day now to debut. Which brings us to...

3. Baby B made it to the birthing pool deadline! I just know this Little One wouldn't want to miss out on that adventure. Way to go, Baby!

4. My "little" brother, Joseph, turns 17 on Sunday! Wowie Zowie! Make way for a new man on the block!

I love a week of celebrations! I am so thankful for family, friends, and the generations to come!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Got Uncles?

There once were three brothers. These boys were kind enough to allow a sister to dwell among them. Yep, that's the type of boys they were.

Now these three brothers were leading very special lives, each unique but all intertwined. Yet, what they didn't know was that their lives were missing a key element. Unclehood.

Before they could realize the holes in their souls, their sister up and got married and decided to have a child. She didn't want to see her brothers continuing to partake of such shallow living.

Now each of these uncles will have his own signature way with the child. Each is gifted in different uncle departments.

The Eldest Uncle (EU) has a soft way about him. He's equipped perfectly for snuggling and book reading and lots of laughing. His words of wisdom shall uplift this child and be a testimony of our God's glory.

The Middle Uncle (MU) will provide all sorts of romping sessions. Explorations, piggyback rides, and bug collections are in store when hanging with MU. He will balance the activity with his insight into the tenderness of God.

The Youngest Uncle (YU) will be the entertainer. His stories, expressions, and ideas will awe and bring joy. YU will introduce the child to the wonder of God's mind in the world of science.

This child will not only bring out these gifts in the Uncles, but make many more appear that are yet to be unearthed. How blessed this Little One shall be.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Week 36

My baby, my husband, my body, and I have made it through 36 weeks of pregnancy! :D That's reason enough to have a good day! Which I fully intend to have a great one.

We are down to the last few details that need to be worked out before the home birth. We have this cool birthing pool that we need to prep this weekend. Hey, not every baby can claim he entered the world in a pool! Sounds like a nice little claim to fame.

Rob did some grocery shopping for me last night. Bless him! So, we are stocked up on food for a while. It's just a little of this and that left.

So, Baby, you can come any time starting next week! Yep, those are the rules. You come any earlier, you miss out on the birthing pool claim to fame. And I don't think you want that.


"Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus..." Philippians 1:1

That's as far as I got today in my Bible reading. I used to view my devotion time in the light of quantity. The Lord is revealing to me that what He wants is quality time. Hmmm, interesting. That's my love language!

Anyway, I've been following what Pastor Dean suggested a few weeks back. I read my Bible until something pulls at my heart. Then I stop and "Selah". Such a simple little method. But it's bringing a renewing of my mind and heart and spirit.

So, servanthood. I'm going to have to think about that today. What does being a servant of Christ Jesus entail?

"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart." Ephesians 6:5, 6

Servanthood is a lifestyle. I find myself falling in and out of it. That's not treating it as a lifestyle. Partial obedience doesn't make the cut.

Being a servant of God has two distinguishable factors. The direct relationship with God Himself. And then the relationships He gives us with those around us. To be His servant, both factors must come into play.

These are the scattered thoughts running through my head. Mostly, I just need to dwell on this longer. All I know is I want to be a true servant of Jesus, honoring Him with respect and obedience.

Do any of you have thoughts on servanthood? Please share!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord." Ephesians 5:22

I was reading through this Ephesians passage yesterday during my devotion time. I have always wanted to be a wife that was submissive and respectful and I strive to do just that.

As I was praying, I started asking God if I was playing the role I should be. In my mind, I felt that I was being respectful to Rob lately and that I could probably just move on. But, nope. God had a little lesson for me before I could dismiss this topic.

He showed me an area that I wasn't being respectful in. Rob will often say things like, "I think it would be better for you to take an easy day tomorrow," or "Why don't you invite your friend over here so that you can get more rest," or "You need some rest so I'll go to the store for you". Rob's always very caring like that.

The Lord showed me that I tend to blow those suggestions off by finding some excuse of why they can't work. Never until yesterday did I realize how disrespectful and unsubmissive that was. I had to really do a double take with my heart.

SO, when Rob asked my last night to make today a restful day, I had a few thoughts run through my mind. Firstly, but what about my big list for this week? Secondly, it's true I'm tired. And thirdly, God wastes no time on putting a heart change to work!

So, I mentally set aside the list. (Goodbye, List.) And I told Rob, "Okay, I'll take it easy." It was really rewarding. I felt God's peace and actually a lot of relief. There are actually a lot of things I can accomplish today while taking a restful day. Things that I wasn't getting to because I was so busy with my agenda. Things like prayer, journaling, reading my Bible, reading some baby books, and letting my mind slow down so that I can mentally prepare for this coming baby.

Anyway, I'm starting to see respect in a new light. I pray the Lord will help me stay faithful with this.

Friday, July 16, 2010

35 week report

Ahoj! I'm back from the blogger grave! I never intented to be absent so long. Can I use the busy excuse?

There are too many months to catch up on so I'm just going to jump in the middle of my life. Boy, what timing. We are just about to have this baby! You know, the one that I was only a few months along with the last time I wrote? Yeah, that one!

We went in for our midwife appointment last night. From now on we will be going once a week. This one went well, as always. There has been a definite change in how my body is functioning. This baby seems anxious to meet us!

Our midwife, Shannon, gently poked and prodded the baby a bit to feel how big he/she is. Her guestimate was 7 to 7 1/2 lbs. already! Most of the information I've looked at recently says the theoretical baby is probably 5 1/2 lbs. or so at this point. So, I was shocked by that news! But Shannon said her guess would be that the baby will be 8 to 8 1/2 lbs. when born. So that doesn't sound abnormal or anything.


Thirty-five weeks have spiraled behind me as I prepare my soul for the arrival of our darling child. Who can fathom the creation and sustainment of life? How can one prepare for such a mystery of God?

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” Proverbs 25:2

God has summoned each of us to be kings (and queens) of His kingdom. He has hidden mysteries of life that He unfolds as we search them out.

I feel this pregnancy is a time of searching out God's mysteries. He has revealed little tidbits here and there as if to say, “Taste this goodness? There's so much more!” God definitely has a sense of humor. I sense a little carrot on the end of a stick in front of me. And yet, He's always good. He doesn't hold out on me, just keeps feeding me little bits to keep me coming closer. I wonder if this is why I've craved carrots lately!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


These are the lyrics to the song the Lord showed me to play on the piano the other day. The third verse and the bridge are out of Psalm 86.

V1: Your ways are deep, O God
Beyond my comprehension
Teach me Your ways, O God
'Til my heart is Yours

Ch: Your name is glorious 4x

V2: Renew my mind, O God
'Til all I know is Your will
Replant Your vision in me
'Til Your heart is mine

Ch: Your name is glorious 4x

B: And I will praise You, O Lord
With all my heart
And I will glorify Your name

Ch: Your name is glorious 4x

V3: Teach me Your way, O Lord
And I will walk in Your truth
Give me an undivided heart
That I may fear Your name

B: And I will praise You, O Lord
With all my heart
And I will glorify Your name

Ch: Your name is glorious 4x

Thursday, April 8, 2010


We have our next appointment with Shannon today. It will be so amazing to know how everything is going. So much has changed in the last 5 weeks since we had our last checkup. I've definitely got a baby bump that even Seth will ackowledge now! ;) And the baby is kicking around the clock most days.
My big question is: Could there possibly be twins in there? A couple times, I have felt movement in two places at once. I looked up online if this was a sign of twins, but most people thought it was just some kickboxing action. I don't know though... I've also gained weight on the very high end of 'normal' and have yet to figure out where it all went! Most everyone still seems to think I look pretty little for how far along I am.
Well, now we can start counting down! We've reached 21 weeks, meaning only 19ish to go. That means Rob's going to be a daddy before we know it! He's going to be an amazing one! Most nights I tell the baby "Good Night" and then Rob does, too.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Flow, O Mighty Holy River

Flow, O mighty holy river,
Flow in measure great and strong;
Hold not back Thy generous blessing,
Flood this desert with Thy song.

Parched and arid, hear the crying
Of Thy barren, broken church;
Bring revival to the dying,
Quench the aching of their thirst.

Once again, release Thy floodgate,
Shower heaven's fruitful touch;
'Til the earth, appeased, rejoicing,
Rings the message of Thy love.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Baby's Kicking!

I went to sleeping smiling and woke up almost giggling! A most wonderful sensation is causing all the happiness--the baby is kicking me! It started Sunday night. I felt some movement in my tummy. I kind of dismissed it because I didn't want to get excited if it wasn't the real thing. But then it repeated itself last night and this morning. Everyone keeps telling me that the baby's movements will feel like a little flutter. Not so with this one! God must have taught the baby a few karate moves! Pow! Pow! That's why I've been laughing. This little one is really active and quite strong! It is such an amazing feeling. The Lord is so good to me. Thank you, Jesus!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Baby Blanket!

I finished my first little sewing project for the baby! I picked out this CUTE fleece pattern and handstitched around the edges! I'm so pleased with how it turned out!

Niece Logan's Birthday!

Our niece, Logan, turned 1 this past week! She is quite the little cutie-pie. Laramie and Curt had all the relatives and a few friends over to their workplace for a party on Saturday. Here are some pictures from the party.

I couldn't figure out how to rotate this picture, but isn't the cake cute? As you will see, the theme of the party was ladybugs.

Uncle Rob and Logan chatting before the festivities begin.
Logan in her "Logan" chair.

It's Grandma Colleen!

Mmmmm, ladybug tastes good!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bye-bye College!

I'm done with college...nuff said! :D

Friday, February 5, 2010

Another week

No baby heartbeat yet. The baby didn't like the Doppler. But Shannon (our midwife) was able to get a reading on the Doppler that the baby's heartbeat was at 168. So, we know there's a baby in there! We just couldn't get close enough to hear the heartbeat. I am going to go back on Thursday and we will try again!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Maternity clothes!

Yesterday, I bought 69 maternity items for $90! I was able to try them all on and almost everything fits and looks nice. Craigslist is a blessing! I have more capris than I know what to do with. But that's a nice problem. I am so thankful to the Lord for bringing these to me.

Other than that, I'm just trying to get my last few hours of studying in. I'm taking my test on Monday. We have a few doctor appointments today and tomorrow along with some other things so I need to hit the books as hard as I can today. I'm feeling pretty confident, though. I'll write again after we hear the baby's heartbeat tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Excitingness of the Week :)

Howdy! I am really excited about two things this week.

First: I am studying for my last test. And at the last minute (late last week), I found out that I can change the type of test I'm taking. I am no longer taking the TECEP test that Thomas Edison offers, but instead I am taking a DANTES. Now there are several good things about the switch. DANTES tests are generally easier, you get an instantaneous score rather than having to wait approximately 5 weeks, the breakdown of what the test is about is much more comprehensible, and there is a practice test! All of which are awesome advantages! Generally, I would say that DANTES cost a lot less ($80 versus $249), but that is the only catch to this. I had already paid for the TECEP ($249) and cannot be refunded. But I think that is a loss that I'm okay with. I feel so much better about potentially being able to pass the DANTES that I don't really care about the cost at this point. Monday marks the day I meet this last challenge.

Second: We get to go hear the baby's heartbeat on Friday! How amazing is that? Already the first trimester is almost complete. On the 11th, I will move into the second third. :) I am so thankful that I haven't hardly been nauseous in the last month. And I've been having quite a bit more energy. Gradually, I'm getting things cleaned up around here.

Well, that's all the updates for now!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Evening Time

My evening started rather early. Rob called me at 3:30 and asked if I could pick him up from work. He was coming down with a migraine and unable to drive home. He is now resting/napping. So, I cooked an early supper. Now I am trying to decide what to do with the rest of my evening.

The baby is 10 weeks along today. I have been keeping a journal for the baby to read when he/she gets older. This has been a great way to express some of the feelings I have for this child. I am sure I will just continue to grow in love with the baby as time goes on. But I already am in love!

I pray that I can grow in my knowledge and relationship with the Lord during my pregnancy. I have so much down time right now as I am resting. I could be (and have been) wasting a lot of it on unimportant things. But I'm realizing what better time to seek the Lord with all my heart?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hello Again!

It's been ages since I've written a post! The last few months have been filled with some normal life and some unexpected life!

Since October, Rob's been hunting off and on. He went out Friday for a last hunt before all seasons come to an end. Ron Ingram shot a pheasant, but Rob also had a bead on it so Ron generously let Rob take it home. So, we'll be having pheasant one of these nights!

Phoenix has continued to grow in size and....well, I was going to say maturity. But that might be a little too strong of a word! He's an adorable four-and-a-half-month-old puppy. We are loving having him around. Rob has been taking him out in the middle of nowhere and letting him run free. He loves using that nose of his (Phoenix, that is!).

The biggest news, which you all surely know by now, is that Rob and I are expecting!! Yes, a little one will be joining our family this August. My life has changed so much between the constant baby thoughts and the morning sickness symptoms. But the sickness is getting better and I am just so excited about the wee one inside of me! All ready, 9 1/2 weeks have come and gone. Just about a fourth of the way there!

Well, that should catch you up a bit. Oh, wait. I'm still working on school. I wasn't able to pass my second to last test. So, I am getting ready to take that one again. The test should be coming in in two weeks and I hope to be ready to challenge and defeat it by then! Oh, to be done with school!

Okay, now I think you are alllll caught up. Maybe this will help me get back into blogging again!