Friday, July 30, 2010
37 week checkup
I'm 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. The baby's head is at -1 station, which means very low. Shannon was able to easily touch the baby's head!
All of this just means that the process is starting. No one knows how long it will be before labor actually starts.
I've been cleaning house today and having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions than normal. Some of the herbal medicine that I started taking on Wednesday might be causing the extra contractions. So, we'll see if that leads to anything.
Oh, Shannon also is guessing that the baby is between 7.5 and 8 lbs. now. I'm constantly feeling the little bottom sticking up right over my belly button and the feet jabbing into my ribs on the right. :)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
New Camera
I really wanted a high quality camera so that we could document our little one's life. So now I just need to figure out how it works! But even on it's automatic settings, it takes amazing pictures.
I'm looking forward to livening up this blog a little!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A Week of Landmarks
1. Yesterday, I turned 22! I felt it would be much more dignified to be 22 when my first child was born. So, I sneaked a birthday in! And I must say that it was a wonderful one! On Sunday, Rob and I went down to my parents' house and celebrated with my whole family. It was a lovely, relaxing afternoon. Then last night, we got together with Rob's mom and sister. Two really nice birthday parties in a row!
2. Tomorrow marks 37 weeks! The baby should be fully developed and may choose any day now to debut. Which brings us to...
3. Baby B made it to the birthing pool deadline! I just know this Little One wouldn't want to miss out on that adventure. Way to go, Baby!
4. My "little" brother, Joseph, turns 17 on Sunday! Wowie Zowie! Make way for a new man on the block!
I love a week of celebrations! I am so thankful for family, friends, and the generations to come!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Got Uncles?
Now these three brothers were leading very special lives, each unique but all intertwined. Yet, what they didn't know was that their lives were missing a key element. Unclehood.
Before they could realize the holes in their souls, their sister up and got married and decided to have a child. She didn't want to see her brothers continuing to partake of such shallow living.
Now each of these uncles will have his own signature way with the child. Each is gifted in different uncle departments.
The Eldest Uncle (EU) has a soft way about him. He's equipped perfectly for snuggling and book reading and lots of laughing. His words of wisdom shall uplift this child and be a testimony of our God's glory.
The Middle Uncle (MU) will provide all sorts of romping sessions. Explorations, piggyback rides, and bug collections are in store when hanging with MU. He will balance the activity with his insight into the tenderness of God.
The Youngest Uncle (YU) will be the entertainer. His stories, expressions, and ideas will awe and bring joy. YU will introduce the child to the wonder of God's mind in the world of science.
This child will not only bring out these gifts in the Uncles, but make many more appear that are yet to be unearthed. How blessed this Little One shall be.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Week 36
We are down to the last few details that need to be worked out before the home birth. We have this cool birthing pool that we need to prep this weekend. Hey, not every baby can claim he entered the world in a pool! Sounds like a nice little claim to fame.
Rob did some grocery shopping for me last night. Bless him! So, we are stocked up on food for a while. It's just a little of this and that left.
So, Baby, you can come any time starting next week! Yep, those are the rules. You come any earlier, you miss out on the birthing pool claim to fame. And I don't think you want that.
That's as far as I got today in my Bible reading. I used to view my devotion time in the light of quantity. The Lord is revealing to me that what He wants is quality time. Hmmm, interesting. That's my love language!
Anyway, I've been following what Pastor Dean suggested a few weeks back. I read my Bible until something pulls at my heart. Then I stop and "Selah". Such a simple little method. But it's bringing a renewing of my mind and heart and spirit.
So, servanthood. I'm going to have to think about that today. What does being a servant of Christ Jesus entail?
"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart." Ephesians 6:5, 6
Servanthood is a lifestyle. I find myself falling in and out of it. That's not treating it as a lifestyle. Partial obedience doesn't make the cut.
Being a servant of God has two distinguishable factors. The direct relationship with God Himself. And then the relationships He gives us with those around us. To be His servant, both factors must come into play.
These are the scattered thoughts running through my head. Mostly, I just need to dwell on this longer. All I know is I want to be a true servant of Jesus, honoring Him with respect and obedience.
Do any of you have thoughts on servanthood? Please share!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I was reading through this Ephesians passage yesterday during my devotion time. I have always wanted to be a wife that was submissive and respectful and I strive to do just that.
As I was praying, I started asking God if I was playing the role I should be. In my mind, I felt that I was being respectful to Rob lately and that I could probably just move on. But, nope. God had a little lesson for me before I could dismiss this topic.
He showed me an area that I wasn't being respectful in. Rob will often say things like, "I think it would be better for you to take an easy day tomorrow," or "Why don't you invite your friend over here so that you can get more rest," or "You need some rest so I'll go to the store for you". Rob's always very caring like that.
The Lord showed me that I tend to blow those suggestions off by finding some excuse of why they can't work. Never until yesterday did I realize how disrespectful and unsubmissive that was. I had to really do a double take with my heart.
SO, when Rob asked my last night to make today a restful day, I had a few thoughts run through my mind. Firstly, but what about my big list for this week? Secondly, it's true I'm tired. And thirdly, God wastes no time on putting a heart change to work!
So, I mentally set aside the list. (Goodbye, List.) And I told Rob, "Okay, I'll take it easy." It was really rewarding. I felt God's peace and actually a lot of relief. There are actually a lot of things I can accomplish today while taking a restful day. Things that I wasn't getting to because I was so busy with my agenda. Things like prayer, journaling, reading my Bible, reading some baby books, and letting my mind slow down so that I can mentally prepare for this coming baby.
Anyway, I'm starting to see respect in a new light. I pray the Lord will help me stay faithful with this.
Friday, July 16, 2010
35 week report

Thirty-five weeks have spiraled behind me as I prepare my soul for the arrival of our darling child. Who can fathom the creation and sustainment of life? How can one prepare for such a mystery of God?
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” Proverbs 25:2
God has summoned each of us to be kings (and queens) of His kingdom. He has hidden mysteries of life that He unfolds as we search them out.
I feel this pregnancy is a time of searching out God's mysteries. He has revealed little tidbits here and there as if to say, “Taste this goodness? There's so much more!” God definitely has a sense of humor. I sense a little carrot on the end of a stick in front of me. And yet, He's always good. He doesn't hold out on me, just keeps feeding me little bits to keep me coming closer. I wonder if this is why I've craved carrots lately!