Wednesday, April 29, 2009
No Students
Oh, I thought I'd mention that I didn't get any Korean students to tutor this month. But I'll keep trying. And maybe I'll get to sub sometime. There have already been several sub requests but I didn't want to teach at 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning. Nope, I'll wait for something a little more humane!
The Sicklies Return
I haven't had too much to write about the last week or so. Why? Because we've both been quite sick. Thankfully, we're on the road to recovery! Rob still has a nasty cough and I still have close to zero energy. But Rob's back to work and I'm back to school.
Speaking of school, I have 6 classes left! I'm working on Money & Banking presently and should be able to take that test next week. I had it scheduled for Thursday, but without my own car, I need to coordinate around getting a ride with someone. This is my last test that I have to go out of town for! Both my mom and Rachel Conley have been so helpful in driving me to my tests.
I also finally received credit for all the classes I transferred to Thomas Edison. I was getting worried! So, I'm hoping to blaze through my classes and be done by the end of the summer! If I write that, maybe I'll believe it and do it! :)
Speaking of school, I have 6 classes left! I'm working on Money & Banking presently and should be able to take that test next week. I had it scheduled for Thursday, but without my own car, I need to coordinate around getting a ride with someone. This is my last test that I have to go out of town for! Both my mom and Rachel Conley have been so helpful in driving me to my tests.
I also finally received credit for all the classes I transferred to Thomas Edison. I was getting worried! So, I'm hoping to blaze through my classes and be done by the end of the summer! If I write that, maybe I'll believe it and do it! :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Once again, it's the end of the month. This means that I may have a chance at getting a student through HomeschoolFriend. HF is a Christian organization linking English-speaking tutors with South Korean children who wish to learn English. I've been trying for three months to start up tutoring again with HF. But their ratio of students to tutors is near even right now and the experienced tutors get first priority--which is only right!
When I tutored last fall, it was such a blast! The three boys I had were Thomas, Albert, and Jason. Thomas and I worked together the longest. He was very smart but also very shy. Towards the end of our time together he was finally able to laugh a little and be more adventurous.
Now this was NOT the problem with the other two. No, sir! Albert was a complete crack up! Basically, I couldn't get him to shut up! He was very fluent in English and talked a hundred miles an hour about video games and whatever randomly came into his head. I was continually laughing. The problem with him was actually accomplishing anything in class. :)
Now Jason was yet another kind of student. He was Albert's older brother. He had been placed in a class that he wasn't really ready for. So, it was a constant struggle for him. If I had taught him longer, I would have had him re-evaluated because it was hard on him to push through so much material he didn't know. But he was a talker, too--again, especially about video games! Since I've never played a video game in my life, I mostly just sat, listened, and hoped I laughed at the appropriate times!
Just writing these memories down reminds me how much I enjoyed the little bit of tutoring I did. There have been times in the last few months that I thought of just giving the idea up of ever getting on HF staff again. But I feel renewed excitement and I think I'll keep trying. Maybe one of these months I'll be able to start up again this work that I love!
When I tutored last fall, it was such a blast! The three boys I had were Thomas, Albert, and Jason. Thomas and I worked together the longest. He was very smart but also very shy. Towards the end of our time together he was finally able to laugh a little and be more adventurous.
Now this was NOT the problem with the other two. No, sir! Albert was a complete crack up! Basically, I couldn't get him to shut up! He was very fluent in English and talked a hundred miles an hour about video games and whatever randomly came into his head. I was continually laughing. The problem with him was actually accomplishing anything in class. :)
Now Jason was yet another kind of student. He was Albert's older brother. He had been placed in a class that he wasn't really ready for. So, it was a constant struggle for him. If I had taught him longer, I would have had him re-evaluated because it was hard on him to push through so much material he didn't know. But he was a talker, too--again, especially about video games! Since I've never played a video game in my life, I mostly just sat, listened, and hoped I laughed at the appropriate times!
Just writing these memories down reminds me how much I enjoyed the little bit of tutoring I did. There have been times in the last few months that I thought of just giving the idea up of ever getting on HF staff again. But I feel renewed excitement and I think I'll keep trying. Maybe one of these months I'll be able to start up again this work that I love!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Uncle Rob & Aunty Laura
Rob and I went over to his mom's house yesterday to visit with Curt, Laramie, and little Logan. She is getting so big and strong! But most of all she is just so precious! Here's Uncle Rob holding her and trying to subdue her--she had been held by so many relatives that day and was all worn out:
One of the relatives thought Logan was mine! Everyone had a good laugh over that. I wouldn't have minded claiming her, but I didn't think that would go over too well. :)
This picture really shows off her amazing hair--so much of it! And to think that she will probably be blonde like her mama. We shall see!
We had seen Logan when she was 1 1/2 weeks old. She has changed so much in so little of time. She is now 7 1/2 weeks old and just too cute!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Storm a comin'
So, after a little tinkering, Rob got the pedal fixed and we started off again. This time we went about a block. Every few seconds there was a little "click"--now the pedal was hitting his kickstand on every rotation! Good grief! Laughing, we turned back once more. By the time we had that fixed, the clouds overhead looked rather ominous. So, we called it a night. Anyway, the sky was scary and magnificent at the same time! This is a view over our neighbors' houses! Lovely!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Silly things today continued
Right after I finished my last post, I looked outside again. The crow and squirrel were still at it! I ran for my camera because I couldn't pass up the opportunity of documenting the event. But when I got back, only the crow was visible. Here he is, perched on top of our flag pole:
I was about to give up, when I spotted the squirrel hiding in a tree about 15 feet away. The crow apparently saw it, too, because he flew over into the tree right behind the one the squirrel was in. Sadly, I couldn't get a good picture because the squirrel was hiding quite well. But he jumped from his tree into the one the crow was in because there was a lot of foliage at the bottom of the crow's tree. Very stealthily, the squirrel slithered down and that's the last I saw of him. Here's the crow guarding his tree--with a blown up picture you can see the squirrel's tail peeking out from behind the trunk:
I'm sorry that I couldn't get better pictures. You'll just have to believe me that it happened!
Silly things today
I just saw the funniest sight! I was looking out our front windows to check out the weather, when I saw a "bird of prey" chasing a squirrel. The bird was a crow! It swooped down twice while I could see it. Not sure if it was just a little game or if the crow's eyes were bigger than its stomach.
The other funny thing of the day happened before I was even awake. Apparently, Rob sat up in bed this morning right when I decided to turn over. I bopped him in the head with my elbow! Thankfully, he found it funny. It's nice to start the day out laughing!
The other funny thing of the day happened before I was even awake. Apparently, Rob sat up in bed this morning right when I decided to turn over. I bopped him in the head with my elbow! Thankfully, he found it funny. It's nice to start the day out laughing!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
It's Easter morning! I have to admit, I woke up feeling a little disgruntled that it's not as sunny as I hoped it would be. Yet, Easter celebrates life and good things come when it rains! So, after all, not too shabby! (As Rob would say).
Our plans involve going to Calvary Chapel this morning. Everytime I go there I marvel that it's the same church we got married in. Somehow it seems so different when it's full of people I don't know! I'm hoping that eventually we can get involved in a study group or something. I miss fellowship in a church. Neither of us have had that in a while.

This afternoon we have tentative plans to do a little hunting. Egg hunting that is! Colleen, Amy, Rob, and I might just have a little competition of our own since I think we would be rejected from all regular Easter egg hunts. I don't know what is wrong with people...setting the age limit at 5th grade. Tsk, tsk. Anyway, it will be time to break out the speed, agility, and good old sneakiness--the latter at least for the person hiding the eggs! It should be fun! I hope the rain holds off. It's not quite the same to hide the eggs in the house!
Our plans involve going to Calvary Chapel this morning. Everytime I go there I marvel that it's the same church we got married in. Somehow it seems so different when it's full of people I don't know! I'm hoping that eventually we can get involved in a study group or something. I miss fellowship in a church. Neither of us have had that in a while.

This afternoon we have tentative plans to do a little hunting. Egg hunting that is! Colleen, Amy, Rob, and I might just have a little competition of our own since I think we would be rejected from all regular Easter egg hunts. I don't know what is wrong with people...setting the age limit at 5th grade. Tsk, tsk. Anyway, it will be time to break out the speed, agility, and good old sneakiness--the latter at least for the person hiding the eggs! It should be fun! I hope the rain holds off. It's not quite the same to hide the eggs in the house!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Manual Weed Hacker
So, today when I was walking across the street to get the mail I noticed a malady in the yard. NO! Not dandelions! I had a short internal struggle of choices: be industrious and weed the yard...or sit back with a nice snack and read a book or something. My conscience got the better of me and I decided that I must stand up to the task before me and got down to work.
What appeared at first to be a handful of dandelions scattered across the lawn turned out to be a legion and a half all in cahoots. Or at least that's what it seemed like. Each root maliciously broke off under ground. When I'd kneel down to take out one plant, I'd suddently see that three more surrounded it, half buried in our overgrown grass. But two hours, several blisters, and a mild sun burn later, the front yard looked fabulous! Which it's a good thing the lawn looks good because my hands sure don't!
What appeared at first to be a handful of dandelions scattered across the lawn turned out to be a legion and a half all in cahoots. Or at least that's what it seemed like. Each root maliciously broke off under ground. When I'd kneel down to take out one plant, I'd suddently see that three more surrounded it, half buried in our overgrown grass. But two hours, several blisters, and a mild sun burn later, the front yard looked fabulous! Which it's a good thing the lawn looks good because my hands sure don't!
Private Piano Lessons
These are a few pictures of my current piano students. I have had the pleasure of instructing Taylor (to right) for the past 2 1/2 years. And I've taught Michael and Melissa (bottom two pictures) for the past 4 years or so. They have been so much fun! About twice a year we have had a recital for the students to demonstrate their improvement to family and friends. It's always such a delight to see the parents' pride in their children's progress.
If anyone is interested in having private piano lessons and lives in the Tri-Cities, Washington area, please feel free to contact me. I am always looking for new students. I teach 1 hour lessons every other week (so twice a month). The cost is $40.00 per month plus the expense of books. You can email me at or just post a comment and I will get back with you.
Music is such an excellent way to express your feelings and thoughts. I have spent many, many hours at the piano playing out the burden or joy that is in my heart. Essentially, I am praying through my hands as I bring before God the expression of my thoughts through song. And I know this is pleasing to Him. Music was created in the very heart of God and that's where all music should be directed--back to God's heart!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
This was from a couple of years ago. Just some thoughts during a hard day.
A tightening in the chest
Speaks of the turmoil within
A tear forming yet clinging to the lash--
Timid of revealing the thoughts inside
Those thoughts tumble down
Once a castle, now only shards
Fragments of what once was
Yet reflected in the shatters are glimpses of hope
A brilliant star pierces the vision
As the sun awakens over the rubble
New creation invades the ruins
Frailty becomes strength
Once shards, now a palace
A tightening in the chest
Speaks of the turmoil within
A tear forming yet clinging to the lash--
Timid of revealing the thoughts inside
Those thoughts tumble down
Once a castle, now only shards
Fragments of what once was
Yet reflected in the shatters are glimpses of hope
A brilliant star pierces the vision
As the sun awakens over the rubble
New creation invades the ruins
Frailty becomes strength
Once shards, now a palace
Spring days
Rob was driving up to the house, rushing home from work, when I took this picture. He must have thought I was a funny sight sitting in the flower bed! But I couldn't pass up the chance to photograph such purity. That's what these white hyacinth make me think of.
"Consider how the lilies grow." Luke 12:27a
According to, these flowers are part of the lily family so I can rightly quote that verse. :)
Well, I've decided to start this blog because it will give me something to work on as well as let people in on the little secrets of my life. Please feel free to follow along if you find what I have to say interesting. And if not, don't bother. I promise not to be offended!
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