Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
He Has Arrived!
Here's our little rascal! Mom, Dad, and Joseph got to stop by last night and play with the puppy. He had had an eventful day. He threw up on the way home but also got some sleep during the ride. Then he wanted to sleep during the evening, too. We let him but that was a mistake. He was awake from 2 o'clock on!
Today he just wants to be held. He's slept a lot today, too. We will try to keep him awake later in the day, though.
I had a hard time getting good pictures last night because he would run toward me every time I pulled out the camera! But I'll post the ones I have.
Oh, and by the way...his name is official now: Phoenix!
He's so lovable--wanting to be held and cuddled. But he's also wanting to chew on things: fingers, carpet, towels, jeans...
I'm having to learn to say, "Stop" or "Quit" rather than "No" because for a bird dog it would get confusing to have both "No" and "Whoa" to try to understand. This is hard for me but I'll get it soon, I hope.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
This is the Day!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Puppy continued
Rob will go pick the puppy up on Tuesday. It will be just over 7 weeks at that point.
I am so anxious to have it come! All English Setters are livewires but this one was a little more laid back thant the rest. And he liked to be held and petted. I think he'll be a perfect fit for us.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pictures of Puppies
These are the females:

These are the males:

What do you think? I think the right female and the right male are the cutest. We are still not sure if we want a male or female. So, we'll observe personalities today and see what fits us the best!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
They come in a variety of colors and patterns. We are planning on getting a black and white one. Tomorrow we will take a look at a litter that is in Washtucna, WA. There ar two males and two females left. Right now we are leaning toward a male, but it would depend on personality, too.
The owner is going to send us pictures today. So, when I get them, I will post them if they are good!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Rob Riding the Motocross Bike
Here's Rob riding through an irrigation ditch. I think he's having almost too much fun!
Rob's Motocross Bike
Monday, August 31, 2009
September Tutoring
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A Lesson in the Night
Joseph was five or so years old, making me roughly ten. We had our squabbles from time to time, but we generally spent a lot of time together. There was one item on his agenda that phased in...and wouldn't phase out. He loved the movie Charlotte's Web. I don't remember if it was a new movie to us or if it just suddenly caught his attention. Whenever he and I had a free afternoon, he would pull that movie out of the drawer in our entertainment center, begging me to watch it with him.
For the first five or so times, I really didn't mind. It was a phase, right? Besides, there are some cute scenes in the movie. Yet, as time went on and the phase didn't fizzle, I started to feel like I was going to go crazy. "Mother Earth and Father Time," "Fine swine, wish he was mine," "The greatest hog in history"--these once catchy lines began playing over and over in my head. I loved my little brother, but could I endure this?
The phase came and stayed, and stayed, and stayed, and phased out. I don't know if Joseph found something to replace Charlotte's Web or if he just actually became tired of it himself. Either way, the result was what thrilled me. My shattered nerves finally had a chance to recover. Other thoughts were able to enter my brain.
This was the memory that came to me as I tossed in my bed that night. What also came to mind was how this story is analogical to a part of our relationship with God.
Sometimes our spiritual focus can get so narrow that we only dwell on one part of our relationship with God. It may be a specific act of service or worship or type of prayer or ministry or gift. God is patient with us. Even though He wants more, He enjoys the one area that we are close to Him in. (Back to the story, I'm not saying Joseph and I weren't close in other ways--just temporarily the focus was primarily on the movie; this is a loose analogy!)
How pleasing it might be to our Father if we didn't just get comfortable with that one area that we enjoy, but branched out to try new things with Him and in Him. Not that He won't love us if we don't change, but there are so many other areas that He wants to teach us about. He didn't die to make us comfortable in our little ruts of good will and good works. His death and then His glorious resurrection was to prod us and push us to grow and mature in Him.
I challenge you (as I am challenging myself) to consider what rut you might be in? Have you become too set in your ways spiritually? Take time to ask the Lord what areas He would like to teach you about.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Oh Yeah!
My 21st birthday
A: Nothing, of course! :)
Last Saturday, I got to celebrate my birthday in the best way possible. You guessed it! Volleyball with people I love! The weather was pretty hot, but the nice thing about playing in the park is that the river is close by. In between games, we went for a dip!
Here are some of the highlights of the day:
Lots of fun! We are hoping to get another group together to do it again in a few weeks. I can't wait!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
In Christ Alone
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all—
Here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone, Who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev'ry sin on Him was laid—
Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow'r of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.
"In Christ Alone" Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Copyright © 2001 Kingsway Thankyou Music
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Test Time!
On another note, my dad's cousins, Jim and Carol Noble, are in town. They are staying at my parents' house for a few days. Hopefully tomorrow evening they, along with my family, will make it up this way and we will all have a BBQ at our house! The deciding factor on our end is how much school I can get done today once I get back from my test. I have an assignment due tomorrow and I haven't started on it yet. But it's not huge--just a discussion thread I need to post. I haven't read any of the material yet. Yikes!
Rob is heading over to Richard Scott this weekend! They are going to do guys things like paintball, shooting guns, fireworks and who knows what else! I opted to stay home because I need to catch my breath after many hard weeks of school. I don't like being away from Rob. But I think this is the best decision for this weekend. The Carlsons are having their regular 4th of July shindig so I might make it over that-a-way if I can get a ride--a little too far to walk!
Monday, June 29, 2009
But I am continuing to teach Jiho. We had a rough start last month, but by the last week he had improved his attitude and his study habits immensely! So, I look forward to tutoring him and hopefully drawing him out a little more!
Learn Something New Every Day
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day!
View from part way up the hillside:
Wonderful day with wonderful family! I love you, Dad!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Life-Giving Verse
Friday, June 5, 2009
Storm a brewin'
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monday's Adventures
The tutoring I actually really look forward to. I've been watching all the monthly tutor meetings that were recorded from October to May, trying to catch up on all the things that have changed since I had to quit. Boy, it's a lot of info to take in.
So, I found out that two of my students are actually girls! I just wasn't sure because I wasn't familiar with their names. That should be fun--I haven't taught any girls yet.
Rob, Joseph, and a friend, Richard Scott, are out shooting guns this afternoon. I think Richard just went and bought a handgun so they all had to go try it out!
Well, please pray for me this week! I really want to get off to a good start in the tutoring job and in my class. Somehow, it all just seems...well, like I said before, overwhelming. But if I can take each day in stride and not focus on the unknowns, I think I'll make it!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Anyway, I have a lot of catchup work to do to find out what has changed since I tutored last fall. Thankfully, I have a few days to do that!
On another note, the Carlsons are having their party again tonight! I think I will feel up to playing vball this evening so that will be nice!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Carlson's Party
After volleyball they switched to baseball, complete with wiffle bat and squishy ball. Naomi at bat:
Isaac at bat:
After the outdoor games, everyone went inside for some snacks and visiting. It was a very nice evening. I hope to do it again soon!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ode to the Cucumber
Friday, May 15, 2009
Dream #1: Well, first let me explain something. I have this reoccurring theme in a lot of my bad dreams--teeth. Yes, teeth! Most often my teeth are falling out and I can't stop them. It's really annoying and I start getting really stressed in my dream. SO, this dream was similar only my teeth weren't actually falling out. There was one tooth that was trying to come in and the gum was getting infected. The other person in the dream, I won't mention any names, decided that she needed to help the tooth out by cutting the gum. So, she grabbed a needle full of painkiller and poked it into my gum. Another side note, I am absolutely terrified of needles! Anyway, the needle wouldn't go in and it really hurt. And then she poked it behind both ears...yeah, somehow that was supposed to help. All I knew was that I was in terrible pain and the painkiller wasn't working and we still were going to cut into my gum to get the tooth through. I woke up cringing and couldn't stop for a while. But eventually I rolled over and went back to sleep just to start in on....
Dream #2: In this dream, I was in my parents' house. I know there were things leading up to what I remember...but I don't remember what they were! :) Anyway, somehow I had a pink knitting needle in my hand and I accidently dropped it in the hall. When I went to pick it up, a hand shot out of the kitchen and grabbed it before I could. I looked up to see Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies holding it high in both hands ready to run it through me. I woke up in a cold sweat once again! Good grief!
Well, those sound more morbid than I realized! I don't always have such weird dreams. But I thought they might provide a little entertainment. So long!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Ethan's graduation
Rob and I watched the ceremony from another building where they were showing it live. We actually got the better deal because we had air conditioning (it was really muggy) and comfortable seats, unlike the rest of the family in the main auditorium. Here are Ethan, Rob, me, and Seth just after the ceremony.
I missed this part of the weekend. Ethan and the other engineers presented their Senior design project. Maybe Ethan will comment so you all can know exactly what it is. But I know that at least in this picture, their special printer is printing under water!

And this is Ethan with his faithful buddy, Jason! They have roomed together all but one year--and then, they were only one room apart. Jason remained a Mechanical Engineer. Ethan switched to Electrical I believe just last year. Anyway, they have been good friends through their college journey!


These little critters are so cute! Little balls of needles!! Pointy little wet noses. Teeny, weeny little feet. They like to stick their heads in toilet paper cardboard rolls and walk around--weird, I know! But they can have a fiesty attitude depending on the species and how well you care for them.
The other pets that I've considered are:
The baby sugar gliders are ridiculously cute! I watched a video once of a sugar glider eating a grape. It took the glider about 5 minutes! One grape! These little cuties like to snuggle...and jump! Watch out! The drawbacks are that they are nocturnal, sometimes rather loud, can't be litter trained, and need a very specific diet. Other than that, they're perfect! :)
So, the vote is up! Which pets should I get? Hedgehogs or sugar gliders? Or should I just have kids (someday)?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
GFU Alumni Baseball Game
Going up to bat:

Swinging hard and fast:

Towards the end of the game, dad got to pitch! It was so fun to watch him! Here he is watching the catcher's signals:

Here is a sequence of pictures from one pitch. I thought they were fascinating and decided to put them up.

Couldn't be prouder of my dad! I hope to see him play again sometime!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Weekly news
1. A week ago today, Ethan and Rachel graduated! I am waiting to get some pictures from my mom so that I can document the day. My camera batteries quit on me before I could take any pictures. Anyway, they are all done and heading to South Africa today on a mission/site-seeing trip. The trip is through a school program called May Serve. How exciting!
2. This is the even that I REALLY want to get pictures from. Last Sunday my dad played an Alumni baseball game with other George Foxers!! It was awesome to see him play! He played short stop and one inning he got to pitch! It was a blast to watch. His class was '76 and the next oldest player was class of '88. :) I was super proud of him.
3. Rob got sick again on Monday--kind of a flu thing this time. So, he was in bed a lot of Monday and all of Tuesday. It's been a rough stretch for both of us. But I think we're over the hump, so to speak.
4. I took a test on Thursday. It was Money & Banking. I've been studying on it off and on the last 6 weeks or so. With getting sick and all, I had to take quite a few breaks. The passage rate for that class is only 13% of the students that take it, so I was a little worried. But I passed it! Now only 5 classes to go!
5. Today we are going to a funeral. Rob's uncle Bill Hartley passed away last week after a long bout of sickness. I pray his family is comforted by the Holy Spirit through this very hard time.
6. Tomorrow is Mother's Day!!! We are actually going to celebrate with Colleen tonight and then with my mom tomorrow! Lots of fun!
Well, I think that pretty much catches you up with my life right now. Just little things here and there.
Friday, May 1, 2009
There have been many days I’ve felt worthless because of the physical ailments I have. Some days I just feel that I can’t get passed them. What can I accomplish when there are days I don’t even want to get out of bed? How can I be effective and influential when it’s all I can do to get through the day? These questions cling and nag and ultimately break me down.
Two mornings ago, I was lying in bed thinking. It was probably around 5:00 AM. I was frustrated because I couldn’t sleep and I could tell I wasn’t going to feel well that day. Self-pity consumed my thoughts and mentally I cried out to God, “What can I accomplish with a broken body?” Before the thought was even completed, He told me, “That’s how Jesus saved the world.” Talk about a spirit check. I lay there in awe of His soft rebuke. Not that I expect to save the world, but such comforting and chiding words gave me a glimpse of God’s perspective. This time is not an opportunity to “poor me” myself to death but a time to ask what it is I can learn and what it is He wants of me.
Thank you, Father, for your infinite wisdom. Forgive me for my doubt.
How can I push beyond the disappointment and hurt? How can I heal my heart? What can I do when I find out the dreamy castle has a nightmare dungeon? Will anger pull me through? Will drowning myself in things to do clean the slate of my mind? No.
I can’t push beyond any pain. I can’t heal the brokenness. I can’t erase the nightmare. It’s not about me.
God, show me the reality beyond my own emotions. Show me the way everything turns out for good. Show me your kingdom. Rebuild my castle on a foundation of grace.
God, I give my disappointment and pain to you. Please heal my heart. Bring light where I thought there could only be darkness. Bring light to the places that were already light so that they are illuminated with your glory. Renew my mind.
Anyway, Rob and I will be heading over to Fox tomorrow to take in graduation. And tomorrow is also Ethan's girlfriend's birthday! So, it sounds like we might get in on a little celebrating for that, too!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
No Students
The Sicklies Return
Speaking of school, I have 6 classes left! I'm working on Money & Banking presently and should be able to take that test next week. I had it scheduled for Thursday, but without my own car, I need to coordinate around getting a ride with someone. This is my last test that I have to go out of town for! Both my mom and Rachel Conley have been so helpful in driving me to my tests.
I also finally received credit for all the classes I transferred to Thomas Edison. I was getting worried! So, I'm hoping to blaze through my classes and be done by the end of the summer! If I write that, maybe I'll believe it and do it! :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
When I tutored last fall, it was such a blast! The three boys I had were Thomas, Albert, and Jason. Thomas and I worked together the longest. He was very smart but also very shy. Towards the end of our time together he was finally able to laugh a little and be more adventurous.
Now this was NOT the problem with the other two. No, sir! Albert was a complete crack up! Basically, I couldn't get him to shut up! He was very fluent in English and talked a hundred miles an hour about video games and whatever randomly came into his head. I was continually laughing. The problem with him was actually accomplishing anything in class. :)
Now Jason was yet another kind of student. He was Albert's older brother. He had been placed in a class that he wasn't really ready for. So, it was a constant struggle for him. If I had taught him longer, I would have had him re-evaluated because it was hard on him to push through so much material he didn't know. But he was a talker, too--again, especially about video games! Since I've never played a video game in my life, I mostly just sat, listened, and hoped I laughed at the appropriate times!
Just writing these memories down reminds me how much I enjoyed the little bit of tutoring I did. There have been times in the last few months that I thought of just giving the idea up of ever getting on HF staff again. But I feel renewed excitement and I think I'll keep trying. Maybe one of these months I'll be able to start up again this work that I love!